The possibility of DCBs to rescue side branches during provisional coronary bifurcation stenting is appealing. A study shows that humans, mice exposed to long-wavelength red light have lower rates of blood clots that cause stroke. The study used SEER data of nearly 20,000 cases. Estimates show that 2.2 million new cases of T2D and 1.2 million new cases of CVD are associated with sugary beverages. According to several studies, anti-obesity medications demonstrate cardiovascular benefits beyond weight loss alone. The CardioNerds and Dr. Mark Drazner discuss the right heart failure device placement with an elderly patient. The CardioNerds and expert faculty Dr. Biykem Bozkurt discuss a 63-year-old patient with hypertension and T2D. An electrocardiography (ECG)–based artificial intelligence risk estimator can predict the development of hypertension. Dr. Amit Goyal details the first-in-human study of the Magenta Elevate system. The CardioNerds and colleagues review the differential diagnosis for peripartum cardiomyopathy. A study shows how how advancements in diagnostic tools and treatments for ATTR-CM have improved risk profiles. A recent post-hoc analysis of the ATTRibute-CM trial shows the potential for acoramidis in treating ATTR-CM. A study found an overall decline in surgical myectomy with ICD procedures since 2016. Older adults diagnosed with hypertension can alleviate lung function impairments and mechanics with an active lifestyle. A recent study evaluated the association between resting heart rate and incident atrial fibrillation in Black patients. Exposures included missense variants in TRR associated with increasing transthyretin tetramer destabilization. Pulsatility index and transfer function gain were calculated. Researchers explored how immune checkpoint inhibitors interact with immune cells in arterial plaques. A new study shows that progression from low burden atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated with negative outcomes. Individuals with cardiac implantable electronic devices have a higher risk of tricuspid regurgitation.