Thrombosis history was not predictive of overall survival in patients with pulmonary hypertension risk and PV, a study found.
In findings arterial thrombosis carried worse overall survival than venous thrombosis in this patient population.
Anthony Sochet, MD, MS, on Knowledge Gaps Affecting Pediatric Inpatient Thromboprophylaxis Decisions
Clinical data is limited in areas such as how to evaluate bleeding risk and when to apply mechanical thromboprophylaxis.The new agent is on the 505(b)(2) regulatory pathway and was compared with tablet-form apixaban in 60 healthy volunteers.
VRd was associated with lower rates of venous thromboembolism versus KRd in patients with newly-diagnosed multiple myeloma.
Intracardiac thrombosis in patients with COVID-19 was associated with increased all-cause and cardiovascular mortality.
Patients treated for isolated superficial vein thrombosis with anticoagulants still had a "substantial" risk of VTE later on.
Splenomegaly and myeloproliferative disorders increased risk for porto-spleno-mesenteric venous thrombosis after splenectomy.
Edoxaban therapy for 12 months was superior to three-month therapy for preventing venous thromboembolisms and related deaths.
Subclinical leaflet thrombosis appears more common after TAVR versus SAVR, but was not associated with increased stroke risk.
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