The oral agent exhibited promising hemoglobin response performance and safety in this stage of an ongoing phase 2/3 study.
Imetelstat is indicated for patients with lower-risk MDS who had an unsatisfactory response to or are ineligible to ESAs.
A prospective study involved ultrasound imaging of patients' carotid arteries to evaluate for structural changes.
Further study is needed to determine if a particular eGFR biomarker best predicts cardiovascular risks.
Study data show the VAS-101 gel formulation helps preserve therapeutic efficacy and extend useful longevity of stored RBCs.
A systematic review found IV administration to have fewer postoperative complications and better quality of life.
Before performing allogeneic HSCT in AA patients, clinicians should measure ANC as a prognostic factor.
Oral and intravenous iron supplementation effectively treated restless legs syndrome in patients with iron deficiency anemia.
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