AHA 2023
AHA 2023
Dr. Marc BonacaCardiology | December 5, 2023
Dr. Marc Bonaca discusses the VOYAGER PAD study, which showed the efficacy of rivaroxaban in lower extremity PAD.
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Dr. Eugenia AllevaAHA 2023 | November 30, 2023
Dr. Eugenia Alleva discusses a study that found women with dysmenorrhea have increased cardiovascular risk.
Dr. Benjamin HorneAHA 2023 | November 27, 2023
Dr. Benjamin Horne discusses a study that showed increases in PM2.5 during the summer and winter impact heart health.
Dr. Ijeoma EleazuAHA 2023 | November 21, 2023
Dr. Ijeoma Eleazu talks about the harmful impact of cumulative stress on cardiovascular health.
Dr. Ahmed GhoneemCardioNerds | November 20, 2023
CardioNerds correspondent Dr. Ahmed Ghoneem details the positive effects of semaglutide, as demonstrated in the SELECT trial.
Dr. Christian InchausteguiCardioNerds | November 20, 2023
CardioNerds correspondent Dr. Christian Inchaustegui details the findings of ARIES-HM3, presented at AHA 2023.
Dr. Christian RuffAHA 2023 | November 20, 2023
Dr. Christian Ruff on positive results from the AZALEA-TIMI 71 study of patients with AF at moderate to high risk of stroke.
Dr. James MinAHA 2023 | November 16, 2023
James K. Min, MD, founder and CEO of Cleerly, talks about improved screening for heart disease using a digital care platform.
Dr. Babak NazerAHA 2023 | November 15, 2023
Dr. Babak Nazer discusses an experimental, leadless pacemaker that shows great potential in improving patient QoL.
Rob DillardAHA 2023 | November 14, 2023
Drs. Jim List and Puneet Mohan discuss the Librexia program and the benefits of milvexian treatment.
Karthik Gonuguntla, MDAHA 2023 | November 13, 2023
Dr. Karthik Gonuguntla discusses the study he led on cardiovascular health disparities in American Indian adults.
Rob DillardAHA 2023 | November 13, 2023
Stenting improves chest pain, exercise capacity, and quality of life among patients with stable chest pain.
Rob DillardAHA 2023 | November 11, 2023
A study indicates that blood transfusions for anemic patients hospitalized with heart attack may improve patient outcomes.
Rob DillardAHA 2023 | November 11, 2023
Semaglutide reduced major CVD risk by 20% in adults with overweight or obesity, but not diabetes.
Rob DillardAHA 2023 | November 10, 2023
COVID-19 infection increases the risk of thromboembolic events, particularly MI, in patients with prior MI.
Rob DillardAHA 2023 | November 10, 2023
Elevated lipoprotein(a) increases the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events independent of ASCVD risk scores.
Rob DillardAHA 2023 | November 8, 2023
Individuals who use marijuana regularly may face an increased risk of heart failure, stroke, or heart attack.
Rob DillardAHA 2023 | November 7, 2023
Young adults with prediabetes who persistently use tobacco have triple the risk of stroke.
Rob DillardAHA 2023 | November 6, 2023
AI and deep learning models may be able to predict the risk of CVD events and valvular heart disease.
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