Researchers studied risk of postoperative AKI with perioperative hypotension- versus hypertension-avoidance strategies. Amino acid infusions to prevent AKI? It couldn’t be that simple, could it? Researchers examined rates of incident dialysis and acute kidney injury among patients after heart failure hospitalization. A rule proposed by CMS would update payment rates and policies under the End-Stage Renal Disease Prospective Payment Program. More than two-thirds of young patients receiving CKRT experienced major adverse kidney events 90 days after CKRT initiation. Even with treatment, many patients do not fully recover kidney function after drug-induced acute interstitial nephritis. What is the specific impact of acute kidney injury (AKI) on in-hospital mortality among octogenarian patients with COVID-19? The FDA gave Breakthrough Device designation to the JuxtaFlow RAD to help prevent AKI during cardiothoracic surgery. Accurate prediction of severe outcomes of acute kidney injury remains challenging. Opinions differ on the use of no anticoagulation versus regional citrate anticoagulation for treatment of AKI with CKRT. A baseline creatinine measurement from clinical trial enrollment may not be the best way to detect acute kidney injury. SGLT-2is are associated with reduced risk of mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes and acute kidney disease. Patients who have acute kidney injury while hospitalized face increased risk for morbidity and mortality after discharge.