Can lower home systolic BP targets be met in patients with CKD through antihypertensive medications and home BP monitoring? Novo Nordisk is suing KBP Biosciences over alleged fraudulent claims about the kidney disease drug ocedurenone. Researchers studied variation in AKI incidence with IV antihypertensive treatment after severe hypertension. The Filtrate rerecorded their episode on the PRAECIS trial regarding a blood test for preeclampsia due to listener feedback. Researchers studied the feasibility of implementing a smartphone support tool for patients with both CKD and hypertension. A study examined whether donors have a higher risk of hypertension than nondonors in the first 7 years after kidney donation. Novo Nordisk stopped the phase 3 CLARION-CKD trial of ocedurenone due to disappointing results. Areef Ishani spoke about his abstract on renal outcomes with chlorthalidone versus hydrochlorothiazide for hypertension. Nocturnal hypertension is common in CKD, but it was unclear if renal denervation could lower nighttime blood pressure. Results of the SPRINT study favored intensive blood pressure control in older adults. A study evaluated renal outcomes of chlorthalidone versus hydrochlorothiazide in patients with hypertension. Researchers studied the effect of intensive blood pressure control on the progression of IgAN. Researchers explored the association between CSVD and CKD plus the potential role of hypertension in this association. Researchers examined use of clinical decision support systems to decrease blood pressure in hypertensive patients with CKD.