Educational Programs Improve Pharmacist Confidence, Knowledge in Prescribing CDK4/6 Inhibitors for Breast Cancer

By DocWire News Editors - Last Updated: April 11, 2023

Pharmacists’ education on cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 4/6 inhibitors for hormone receptor (HR) positive/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) negative breast cancer is essential to assessing treatment options, differentiating trial results, and building confidence to manage adverse events (AEs). Researchers tested two educational programs to improve pharmacist understanding of these agents and found that they were beneficial. The results of the study were presented by Amy Seung, PharmD, BCOP, FHOPA, senior medical director at Pharmacy Times Continuing Education, at HOPA’s 16th Annual Conference.


Researchers launched two collaborative programs in January 2019. The first was a 2.5-credit hour print and digital article that incorporated cases with patient counseling videos. The case studies offered practice scenarios with decision trees to simulate real-world AE management. Five pre- and post-activity questions were developed to evaluate declarative and procedural knowledge before and after the educational initiative. The second was a 1.5-hour live virtual symposium hosted by expert faculty that used embedded counseling videos based on real-world scenarios into three settings of patient-centered pharmacist care: clinic, remote specialty pharmacy, and retail pharmacy. Videos highlighted significant AEs and therapy-specific challenges in each setting.

Researchers targeted oncology and specialty pharmacists in multiple practice settings. A total of 1,888 participants completed the activity and an evaluation to receive credit. The most common self-identified practice settings were retail (n=803; 42.5%), health system (n=479; 25.4%), and specialty pharmacy (n=226; 12.0%).

When comparing pre- and post-tests, case-based questions on counseling for a clinically significant interaction demonstrated a knowledge increase of 34% to 75% with the use of a video-embedded case and simulation. Before the activity, 51% of learners identified as moderately, very, or extremely confident in using treatment strategies for HR+/HER2– advanced breast cancer, and this increased to 85% post-activity.

“Education based on specific roles and practice settings is necessary to manage diverse needs, thus enhancing patient outcomes,” the authors concluded.

Seung A, Mangini N, Roman D, et al. Innovative active learning increases confidence and knowledge of pharmacists managing CDK4/6 inhibitors in HR+/HER2– advanced breast cancer (BC). Presented at HOPA 16th Annual Conference. March 2020, Tampa, Florida.
