166. CardioNerds Rounds: Challenging Cases of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy with Dr. Michelle Kittleson

By CardioNerds - Last Updated: June 14, 2023

CardioNerds Rounds Co-Chair, Dr. Karan Desai, joins Dr. Michelle Kittleson (Director of Postgraduate Education in Heart Failure and Transplantation, Director of Heart Failure Research, and Professor of Medicine at the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai) to discuss challenging cases of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. As a guideline author on the 2020 ACC/AHA Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Guidelines, Dr. Kittleson shows us how the latest evidence informs our management of HCM patients, while sharing many #Kittlesonrules and pearls on clinical care.

A special thank you to Mitzy Applegate and Ivan Chevere for their production skills that help make CardioNerds Rounds such an amazing success. All CardioNerds content is planned, produced, and reviewed solely by CardioNerds. Case details are altered to protect patient health information. CardioNerds Rounds is co-chaired by Dr. Karan Desai and Dr. Natalie Stokes.

Originally published in cardionerds.com

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