68. Case Report: WPW and HCM Phenotype – VCU

By CardioNerds - Last Updated: April 28, 2023

CardioNerds(Amit Goyal&Daniel Ambinder) join Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) cardiology fellows (Ajay Pillai, Amar Doshi, and AnnaTomdio) for a delicious skillet breakfast and an amazing day in Richmond, VA! They discuss a fascinating case of a patient with Wolff-Parkinson-White(WPW) and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Dr. Keyur Shah provides the E-CPR and program director Dr. GauthamKalahastyprovides a message for applicants. Episode notes were developed by Johns Hopkins internal medicine resident Colin Blumenthal with mentorship from University of Maryland cardiology fellow Karan Desai.

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Episode graphic by Dr. Carine Hamo

The CardioNerds Cardiology Case Reports series shines a light on the hidden curriculum of medical storytelling. We learn together while discussing fascinating cases in this fun, engaging, and educational format. Each episode ends with an“Expert CardioNerd Perspectives & Review” (E-CPR)for nuanced teaching from a content expert. We truly believe that hearing about a patient is the singular theme that unifies everyone at every level, from the student to the professor emeritus.

We are teaming up with the ACC FIT Sectionto use the#CNCR episodes to showcase CV education across the country in the era of virtual recruitment. As part of the recruitment series, each episode features fellows from a given program discussing and teaching about an interesting case as well as sharing what makes their hearts flutter about their fellowship training. The case discussion is followed by both anE-CPRsegment and a message from the program director.

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