2024 Tandem Meetings
The 2024 Tandem Transplantation & Cellular Therapy Meetings of ASTCT® and CIBMTR®, taking place February 21-24, 2024 in San Antonio, Texas, features the latest research and clinical news on hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and cellular therapies.
The researchers evaluated surveys sent between 2015 and 2023 to patients with severe aplastic anemia who underwent HSCT.
Noninfectious pulmonary complications after HSCT for SCD were associated with several transplant-related risk factors.
Requiring dialysis before HSCT is associated with “very poor outcomes,” according to the study.
A myeloablative conditioning regimen containing thiotepa had promising efficacy and safety in patients with severe SCD.
Fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, and ATG had superior outcomes versus historical outcomes of non-ATG conditioning.
Reduction of hemolysis significantly predicted postinfusion transduction efficacy in patients with SCD treated with lovo-cel.
Exa-cel eliminated RBC transfusions in patients with transfusion-dependent β-thalassemia.
HSCT with a matched unrelated or haploidentical donor was a promising alternative in patients with severe aplastic anemia.