American Transplant Congress 2024
Investigational cellular product MDR-101 produced immune tolerance in kidney transplant recipients.
PASC symptoms were common in solid organ transplant recipients during the Omicron period, but some patients had lower odds.
Researchers compared results from an AI model to predict kidney transplant rejection risk by histological diagnosis.
Researchers examined whether eplet-based matching could lead to disparities in deceased donor kidney transplantation access.
SARS-CoV2 T-cell responses are largely preserved despite T-cell depletion induction in kidney transplant.
Increased gut permeability and reduced immunoregulatory metabolites may make AR in kidney transplant more likely.
A team developed a decision tree to determine the impact of histopathology in kidney discard determinations.
A Gal-KO xenothymokidney functioned in a brain-dead decedent for 2 months and AMR was treated successfully.
Several individuals were recognized for their achievements and research at the American Transplant Congress.
Speakers at the American Transplant Congress will include transplantation’s leading luminaries and thinkers.