AMCP Annual Meeting 2018
Patients with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriatic arthritis (PsA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS), and ...
Access to pain medications has led to the current opioid epidemic. A risk management program reconsidered utilization ...
There are limited data on patient preferences for biologic agents for the treatment of asthma. Researchers assessed ...
To conclude the Specialty Connect, a panel was convened to discuss various perspectives on the current climate of ...
The first gene therapy trial conducted in 1990 generated big headlines until it was reported in 1999 that a participant ...
Hemophilia is a costly and complex disease, and while there has been “incredible growth” in treatment options—48 ...
Despite affecting only about 20,000 people, hemophilia ranks as one of the most expensive chronic diseases in the United ...
Cancer remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States, and the cost of cancer care is projected ...
Gene therapy involves the administration of genetic material to modify or manipulate the expression of genes or alter ...
The United States comprises approximately 4.4% of the global population but consumes 80% of opioids worldwide, and the ...
Oncology care is undergoing seismic change, driven largely by three factors: value-based care, precision medicine, and ...
Specialty drugs are those that involve frequent dosing adjustments and intensive clinical monitoring, as well as ...
AMCP CEO Susan Cantrell, RPh, CAE, began the General Session by discussing the trends in healthcare: “We need to ...
Total spending on medicine in the United States was $435 billion in 2017, with a growth of only 1.4%. Specialty growth ...
The United States and Europe face many similar challenges in the management of gene therapies, including high upfront ...
Interest in value-based contracts continues to grow, but the most of these arrangements are not publicly known. A survey ...
Patients with type 2 diabetes can experience comorbidities that lead to hospitalizations and impact the economic disease ...
Information on costs related to the treatment of acute bleeding events in patients with hemophilia A is lacking, so ...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) currently has about 200 pending orphan drug designation requests, according ...
Researchers sought to assess real-world costs associated with the oral agent apremilast for the treatment of ...
Between 2000 and 2015, deaths from opioid prescriptions more than quadrupled, and evidence of long-term efficacy of ...
Conducting genetic tests for variants of drug metabolizing enzyme (DME) is a potential option for personalizing ...
Major depressive disorder is a complex, chronic, and recurrent illness that can affect other medical conditions. It is ...
Motivational interviewing is a direct, patient-centered conversational method that elicits positive change by helping ...
To date, 41 states and Puerto Rico have laws for biosimilars. However, federal and state regulations on biosimilars are ...
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is addressing significant coverage gap changes created by the ...