ADA 2024
ADA 2024
Rob DillardADA 2024 | July 16, 2024
Hypercortisolism may play a key role in making type 2 diabetes difficult to manage.
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Rob DillardADA 2024 | July 16, 2024
A study highlights insurance barriers to continuous glucose monitoring among children with type 1 diabetes.
Rob DillardADA 2024 | August 12, 2024
According to findings from the INHALE-3 study, inhaled insulin is a promising treatment for patients with T1D.
Rob DillardADA 2024 | June 21, 2024
The use of tirzepatide in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and obesity improves both OSA severity and metabolic issues.
Rob DillardADA 2024 | June 21, 2024
Fenofibrate significantly reduces the progression of diabetic retinopathy.
Rob DillardADA 2024 | June 24, 2024
Exposure to BPA, an industrial chemical used to make polycarbonate plastic, may increase risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
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September 6, 2024