CardioNerds Cardiac Critical Care Knowledge Hub
Welcome to the Cardiac Critical Care Knowledge Hub, powered by CardioNerds and created by cardiologists. In this series, we deliver key information on the diseases and treatment options most relevant to the modern cardiac intensive care unit.
An article discussing the complex interplay between mechanical ventilation and cardiopulmonary mechanics.
Despite advances in treatment, cardiogenic shock (CS) outcomes remain dire. As such, researchers initiated the ...
The American Heart Association (AHA) recently created the Cardiogenic Shock Registry to enhance the quality of care and ...
Experts discuss the basics of mechanical ventilation and a framework for outlining the goals of mechanical ventilation.
The CardioNerds cover an overview of valvular shock, including nuances in diagnosis, differing presentations, and more.
The CardioNerds evaluate three separate admissions for a single patient to highlight pearls regarding waveform assessment.
More From the CardioNerds
The REPAIR study offers the most comprehensive real-world assessment of outcomes after mitral TEER.
The CardioNerds, along with colleagues detail a case involving a patient with newly diagnosed hypertriglyceridemia.
The ROLLER COASTR-EPIC22 trial is the first randomized head-to-head comparison of three plaque modification techniques.
The CardioNerds and expert faculty discuss a complicated case of ventricular tachycardia.
The CardioNerds and Dr. Robert Mentz discuss the important steps in treating HF with mineralocorticoid antagonists.
Dr. Kevin Alexander speaks with The CardioNerds about the importance of providing swift treatment to patients with ATTR-CM.