The panel shares their outlook for the future of MDS research and treatment. Dr. Tanaka outlines a biomarker study that observed reduced inflammation in patients with MDS treated with luspatercept. The panel discussed a study that assessed quality of life and PROs in patients receiving luspatercept for MDS. The panel discusses whether starting treatment with luspatercept sooner in patients with MDS is beneficial. Dr. Shammo shares her reaction to a study that assessed mutational burden and impact on primary outcomes in COMMANDS. Dr. Safah outlines the findings from the full analysis of the COMMANDS trial. The panel discusses the evolution of MDS therapy and how the MEDALIST trial set the stage for luspatercept. Dr. Safah gave an overview of myelodysplastic syndromes. The panel discusses forward-looking thoughts for the treatment of low-risk MDS. The panel talks about the use of transplant for patients with low-risk myelodysplastic syndromes. The panel discusses other treatments undergoing research for MDS, including imetelstat and KER-050. The panel shared their thoughts on real-world data of luspatercept presented at ASH 2023. The panel addresses continued MDS research needs. The panel discusses appropriate treatment selection based on patient mutation status and comorbidities. The panel shares their thoughts on the full analysis of the COMMANDS study. The panel discussed the current slate of treatment options for patients with low-risk MDS.